Thursday 28 September 2017

Why developers worldwide prefer CakePHP

Website development/designing basically takes place in order to cater to the needs of businesses willing to make their online presence so as to reach more customers and making the business (work) processes easy and less time consuming. Your website represents your business, communicates about your products effectively and helps in increasing demand for your product. This rising trend of getting online and using softwares to automate business process have facilitated the growth of IT business and have also generated huge employment opportunity in the IT sector. There are a number of development platforms used by the IT sector. CakePHP in this segment is one of the most popular development platforms used by many developers. There are many organizations and individuals out there who provide CakePHP development services.

So, what makes CakePHP so popular!!

CakePHP is a simple, robust and open source web application framework. It’s the most popular rapid development framework of PHP. It come with various advanced features that make it widely adoptable by developers.

Efficient and Secure:

CakePHP comes with advanced security features. It supports any type of Database, multiple database drivers and is brilliant in managing files, themes and contents and also supports multilingual features.

Easy Customizable features:

CakePHP is easy to install and comes with built in validations that help programmers. All the connections except for the database are auto detected in CakePHP. The fields and templates in Cake are easily customizable and development in cakePHP is less time consuming and cost effective.

Up-to-Date and Reusability:

CakePHP keeps on upgrading itself and so is widely used by developers worldwide. It also comes with reusable code feature which saves time and effort invested in writing same codes again and again.

Simplicity and Huge Community Backup:

CakePHP is a simple yet powerful framework of PHP. Huge developer community backup makes getting help and support easier and on time for those seeking it.With many such advanced features CakePHP is well equipped to make programming easier for CakePHP developers and organizations offering PHP Development services.

To Conclude..

CakePHP is an easy to understand open source framework that facilitates the developers to built robust and affordable web applications in less time. CakePHP makes development easy and cost effective that is profitable for the PHP development service providers. The simple and secure features of CakePHP framework have bought it a huge fan following of developers and companies providing custom PHP development services.

Friday 15 September 2017

Build Scalable Web applications using CakePHP

There are many PHP frameworks available for developing web applications, but a lot of developers like to bake their application with CakePHP because of its amazing scalability and flexible features. CakePHP is a PHP web framework that lets you create complex applications smoothly by making your work simpler. Here are some reasons that make CakePHP an amazing platform to rely upon for your business solutions.

Powerful components

Some of the awesome features of CakePHP include
  • Automatic code generation via Bake
  • Data sanitation
  • Integrated CRUD
  • Directory independent website development
  • In-built validation solution
  • Advanced security, session handling and authentication features.
Besides providing users with a set of powerful core components, CakePHP also allows extensions of these components and thereby help in creating dynamic web applications.

Building your scalable web application

CakePHP follows a MVC (Model –View- Controller) approach that lets you write applications with less coding and development efforts. It divides the construction of the software into three layers allowing developers to focus on their expertise rather than worry about redundant development hassles.

It makes the whole development process simpler. Besides reducing the coding efforts, this flexible architecture enables developers to write highly scalable applications.

CakePHPhas built-in support for ORM (Object Relational Mapping). CakePHP’s ORM implementations are based upon ActiveRecord and Datamapper patterns.

When the ORM conventions are used in the development of your application the scalability and performance of your application can be dramatically improved.
These features also provide a very good extensibility to your applications.

Adding new features and functionalities can be done without any hassle as MVC separates the business logic from the presentation logic.

Benefits of using CakePHP

As mentioned earlier, the powerful features combined with MVC model of CakePHP allow even novice programmers create excellent applications with ease. Some more benefits of using CakePHP are listed down here.
  • CakePHP has a great community support. Most of the problems faced by developers can be faced solved with the help of CakePHP’s Google Group.
  • It is compatible with both PHP4 and PHP5.
  • It greatly reduces the development time and allows for rapid application development.
  • Licensing can be very easy with its flexible options.CakePHP is itself an open source product under the MIT license.
  • Configuration of the product and Web service integration are made simpler.
  • Provides easy maintenance and deployment.
  • Horizontally scalable websites can be built easily.
  • Easily scalable when used with MySql or any other database.
  • Easy to develop applications that can handle multitasking.
  • Follows an object oriented approach enabling the reuse of code components.
  • Large pool of built in functionality.
With its powerful features and unmatched flexibility CakePHP provides the best solution at low cost and low risk.It has the ability to handle all the demands of a full featured web application. Almost all types of web development solutions can be implemented using CakePHP. Get started with creating your performance oriented, highly scalable web apps in no time with CakePHP.

In case you also wish to develop a web application using CakePHP or any other popular framework than do contact Afixi Technologies team at or visit us at

Saturday 2 September 2017

7 Benefits of CakePHP In Web Development

CakePHP is used by web development companies to create multi featured websites with the help of simple procedures. Being an open source, it offers a platform for a flexible web development. As the name goes, CakePHP works on PHP, the most commonly used web development language.

Today there are many website development frameworks that run on PHP. But the robust advancements in the CakePHP development has made it the best framework among others. Due to this, it has become the most preferred platform available today in the market.

CakePHP came into existence in 2005, when the PHP market was ruled by Ruby on Rails and Spring frameworks. And due to the advanced and unique features, it was able to secure an important spot. Web development service providers are now making extensive use of CakePHP. 

Let us see some of its features and benefits.

It Is An Open Source Platform And Supports PHP

One of the main reasons, CakePHP, having a wide popularity, is that it is an open source web development platform. There are no licensed fees or any recurring charges for using this framework. The platform supports PHP, which gives the PHP developers the freedom to create an amazing website.

Re-usability Of Codes

During the development process, most of the time is consumed in writing codes and checking the synchronization of different code structures with one another. CakePHP uses pre written codes which saves a lot of development time. It saves a lot of time of the developers which they can use on creative and logical parts. A developer can just pick a desired code, which is tested and verified, and add it to the program.

No Pre-Configurations Required In

The one thing developers always frown upon any technology is the fuss of its installations or configurations. But thankfully, CakePHP needs zero configurations before developers can lay their hands on it. Most of the settings and features are auto detected. So, the developer has to just configure the database settings. Rest of the settings are pre-configured.

CakePHP CakePHP features MVC Pattern

Today, developers prefer the MVC model platform because it gives a more professional touch to the project. CakePHP is based on Model-View-Control model.This helps them to separate the data presentation layer from the business logic. The models collaborate the data with the logic and save it in the database. Views displays the content in a presentable way to the end user. The controllers process the information before it reaches the database.

CakePHP Offers In-built Validation

CakePHP offers built-in validation features. The features are very simple and efficient at the same time. PHP developers can create different validation rules and get advanced validation functionality.

Object Oriented Programming

CakePHP supports ORM technique. This allows to incorporate the object oriented programming for the project. Data is represented in forms of classes which are used to define relations. It is also possible to pre-define callbacks and validation rules.

CakePHP Implements CRUDE Functionality

CakePHP offers CRUD functionality. CRUDE stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete. Most of the database handling issues are solved by implementing CRUD. Various entities can be easily created, read, updated and deleted. CRUD in CakePHP allows easy management of data in the web development process.
CakePHP has all the features to support the process of making a perfect content management system. With the amazing features for caching, translating, validating and authenticating, one can overcome any challenges faced with ease.